Peer Mentoring for Innovation and Excellence in Learning and Teaching
With the aim of meeting the needs for professional development and growth of the university faculty, the Teaching and Learning Center UniTo in Turin is preparing to launch, in the next academic year, an innovative experimental Peer Mentoring project.
This initiative will be scientifically supervised by Prof. Ettore Felisatti from the University of Padua and by ASDUNI - the Italian Association for the Promotion and Development of University Teaching, Learning and Instruction.
The Peer Mentoring for Innovation and Excellence in Learning and Teaching program will be dedicated to the tenured teaching staff of the University of Turin.
Introduction to Mentoring
Among the professional development practices for university professors, Mentorship emerges as a fundamental element, whether formal or informal, individual or group-based (Lampugnani, 2020).
The concept of Mentoring is configured as a dualistic relationship, traditionally characterized by the involvement of a more experienced and older individual (the mentor) who supports the professional development of a less experienced or younger individual (the mentee) (Haggard, Dougherty, Turban & Wilbanks, 2011; Nisbet & McAllister, 2015).
Program of the training course
The course is structured through 5 phases which are divided as follows:
- Information seminar open to all (May 27, 2024, 11-13 in room F4 at Campus Luigi Einaudi), during which the characteristics of mentoring and its effects will be described, experiences from other universities will be presented, and the structure of the subsequent activities will be detailed;
- Application and selection of participants for the course (between June and July);
- In-person training (from September 18 to 21, 2024);
- Experimentation of mentoring activities in their own teaching (first semester);
- Supervision, outcome collection, and definition of the UniTo mentoring model (January-February 2025).
How to enroll in the Peer Mentoring program?
Applications from tenured teaching staff at the University of Turin can be submitted from June 3 at 9:00 am to July 1 at 12:00 pm by filling out the registration form.
Please note that the form requires uploading a cover letter and a curriculum vitae highlighting teaching experiences.
The list of participants admitted to the program will be published by mid-July. The admission criteria will take into account the following aspects:
- Heterogeneity of the Departments of affiliation of the participants;
- Teaching CV
- Motivation
- EduMeter satisfaction indices
- Placement of teaching activities in the academic year