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Call on Teaching Innovation Projects

CALL Connecting to Innovate: Building Networks for University Teaching

The 2024 call aims to encourage the entire University Community to promote educational innovation at various levels.

The proposal for educational innovation must be submitted by September 30 according to the guidelines outlined in the regulations published on the dedicated initiative page.

A form for proposal submission and a forum for expressing interest in participating in the call and connecting with others seeking collaboration are available on the dedicated page. The forum is open to the entire University Community.

The project idea can address various aspects of teaching and assessment from a network perspective (among courses, degree programs, with the local community, among universities, with national or international partners, etc.). During registration, the proposal must include a brief description.

Participation is open to the entire UniTo University Community, with groups composed of at least three members. Groups can include representatives from different categories: faculty, technical-administrative staff, CEL, non-tenured staff, and students. Each group must include at least one student representative.

Members of the TLC Board of Directors cannot participate but are available as facilitators.
Winners of the previous edition (Call Embrace the Future: Free Innovation in the Classroom - 2023) are not eligible to participate.

The proposal drafting and design will take place on November 7, 2024, when all groups will work simultaneously in person at the locations identified by the TLC.
Projects will be presented to the Commission on the morning of November 8, followed by the award ceremony.

The call includes 4 prizes of €10,000 each.

All participants present on November 7 will receive an open badge certifying their competencies in designing educational innovations.

All information is available on the dedicated Moodle page.


The call aimed to encourage the participation of the entire UniTo university community in developing teaching innovation at various levels.

The proposal development took place during a dedicated event held on November 9 and 10, 2023.

The TLC Scientific Committee then selected the winning proposals. Each proposal had to be presented by a group consisting of at least three members from different roles (faculty, students at various levels, technical staff, non-tenured staff, etc.).

The innovation categories specified by the call included: a single course, a disciplinary area (a set of courses within the same macro-sector), a group of courses (across different disciplines), and proposals promoted by students.

Proposals had to necessarily address the following themes (up to 3):

  • Teaching innovation (methodologies)
  • Teaching innovation (technologies)
  • Inclusion
  • Internationalization
  • Sustainability
  • Student voice
  • Continuing education

A prize was awarded for each category. All participants received an open badge.

The proposals were compiled into a publication.

The call remained open until October 10, 2023, by which date it was possible to register and provide a brief description of the intended proposal.


Photogallery Next Call 2024

Photogallery Call 2023

Last update: 25/07/2024