Call for Applications for the Award of 1 Research Scholarship in accordance with the “Regulations for the Establishment of Research Scholarships” of the University of Turin.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre.
Application Deadline: December 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM.
Call for Applications for the Award of 1 Research Scholarship in accordance with the “Regulations for the Establishment of Research Scholarships” of the University of Turin.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre.
Application Deadline: December 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM.
External Call No. n. EST_02/2024 (Decreto n. 5643/2024 prot. 516140 del 11/09/2024) for the assignment of 2 independent contractor position for teaching support activities.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre
Deadline for application: 27/09/2024
Internal Call No. INT_02/2024 - Protocol No. 495106 dated 28/08/2024 for the selection of 2 unit of staff for research support activities.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre
Deadline for application: 06/09/2024
Call for Applications for the Award of 1 Research Scholarship in accordance with the “Regulations for the Establishment of Research Scholarships” of the University of Turin.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre.
Application Deadline: September 9, 2024, at 12:00 AM.
The interviews will be held on Monday, Semptember 16 at 12 a.m. online in the TLC Webex room at the link:
External Call No. EST_01/2024 - Protocol No. 44 dated 08/04/2024 for the assignment of 1 independent contractor position for teaching support activities.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre
Deadline for application: 23/04/2024
Internal Call No. INT_01/2024 - Protocol No. 39 dated 28/03/2024 for the selection of 1 unit of staff for teaching support activities.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Maria Teresa Torre
Deadline for application: 05/04/2024