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Advanced Training Course

Expert in innovative university educational and instructional design

Lenght9 month (60 hours)
Available places30 
di cui: 6 dipendenti UniTo e 6 dipendenti UniGe
Teaching modalityMixed (online and in person)
DirectorProf. Fabrizio Bracco
Managing CommitteeProf. Valentina Pennazio, Prof. Marina Rui, Prof. Barbara Bruschi, Prof. Emanuela M.T. Torre
Deadline Subscription07/1/2025 ore 12:00
Taxes1.872 € in 3 rate

The course, primarily delivered online, aims to train experts in Faculty Development capable of coordinating and designing educational and curricular activities in dedicated training centers (such as university centers for educational innovation) or directly within companies and organizations.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to: 
• describe the competency model of university instructors 
• describe the characteristics of the main learning theories and their educational implications 
• illustrate the characteristics of transmissive, collaborative, exploratory, simulation-based, metacognitive, narrative, individualized, and professional methods.

The course includes 60 hours of training, 42 hours online on the Moodle Aulaweb platform, and 18 hours (3 lessons) in person.

The course is worth 16 ECTS credits. Interested participants can request recognition of the relevant credits from the competent university structures.

Duration: the training is completed over a period of 9 months.

Course start date and attendance schedule: The course will start on January 27, 2025, and the in-person sessions will be held on the following days:

  • January 27 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM 
  • January 28 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 
  • March 14 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

with an indicative commitment of 6 hours per day.

The project work will be discussed in person on September 19, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Allowed absences: 20% of the total lesson hours.

Location of the educational activities: the course will be mainly conducted online on the Moodle Aulaweb platform. Three lessons will be held in person at the University of Genoa – UTLC Unige Teaching and Learning Centre - Via Vivaldi 5.


Initiating the pathway

  • The identity of the faculty developer
  • The university system
  • The role of the FDI
  • The competency model of the university faculty member
  • Tools for assessment
Prof Antonella Lotti
Prof. Fabrizio Bracco
In person

Formative design

  • Formative design
  • Learning objectives
  • Bloom's taxonomies
  • Competencies and learning outcomes
  • SOLO Taxonomy
  • Constructive alignment
31M-PED/03Prof. Valentina PennazioOnline

Architetture e Strategie didattiche

  • trasmissiva
  • istruttiva e modellamento
  • collaborativa 
  • metacognitiva 
  • simulativa 
  • esplorativa

    Teaching Architectures and Strategies
  • transmissive
  • instructive and modeling
  • collaborative 
  • metacognitive 
  • simulative 
  • exploratory
31M-PED/03Prof. Davide ParmigianiOnline


  • simulative
  • exploratory
61M-PED/03Prof. Antonella LottiIn person
Faculty Development Models for skills and  e competenze per la facilitation31M-PED/03Prof. Barbara Bruschi
Prof. Emanuela Torre

Augmented teaching and digital learning environments

  • Usability and accessibility (IEEE)
  • Game based learning (digital escape rooms, immersive environments)
  • Audience System Response (instant poll)
Prof. Melania TalaricoOnline

Interaction and communication

  • Multimedia interaction methods
  • Communication and Netiquette
31ING/INF-05Prof. Gianni Vercelli
Prof. Saverio Iacono
Prof. Nadia Denurchis

Evaluation system

  • Evaluation of/for/as learning
  • Evaluation of faculty (enjoyment of activities)
  • Evaluation of the impact of faculty development programs
31M-PED/04Prof. Emanuela TorreOnline

Digital Learning Environments

  • Platforms
  • Learning Management System and tools for collaboration and sharing
31MAT/04Prof. Marina Marchisio ConteOnline
Educational resource repositories and Open Educational Resources: policy, how to use, tools, accessories for interactivity31MAT/04Prof. Alice BaranaOnline
Microcredentials and open badge31PED/03Prof. Barbara BruschiUnito
Learning Analytics for a data driven learning31MAT/04Prof. Matteo SacchetOnline
TLC organizational models31M-PSI/06Prof. Fabrizio BraccoUnige

Presentation of projects

  • Presentation of projects and closing of the course
  • Preparation final project work
92NNProf. Antonella Lotti
Prof. Fabrizio Bracco
In person


The course is aimed at graduates with bachelor’s and master’s degrees, as well as professionals already working in the field of educational design or in university centers for educational innovation (TLC).

It is also aimed at high school graduates with at least six months of experience (including internships) in the field of educational design.

The Management Committee reserves the right to admit candidates with different qualifications based on the analysis of their Curriculum Vitae and experiences. For more details, please refer to the call for applications

The application for admission must be submitted online by January 1, 2025 12 noon by following the procedure below:

  • Registration - If you do not have UniGePASS credentials or have forgotten them (if you have SPID digital identity you can use it to register) - register here
  • Retrieve credentials - If you do not remember your UniGePASS credentials - retrieve your credentials
  • Apply - If you already have UniGePASS credentials - submit application, attaching in pdf format, front/back copy of ID and additional documentation only if provided on the announcement
  • Registration - Confirm your registration by attaching what is indicated on the announcement, if any

Staff TLC UniTo:

Course Referee:

Last update: 13/12/2024